“Art is a step from nature toward the infinite” — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“The grace of God is all-pervading. It’s always present. It’s not that it comes, it is that we begin to make use of it…Just like the air, it’s already there. Now it is up to us to breathe or not breathe it. If we don’t…we begin to suffer. If we breathe, we begin to be normal.”
—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Fine art print size: 24” x 30” — Price: $160

“By experiencing finer levels of creation one can reach the Unified Field, or what is known as the vacuum state in physics. Dynamism and silence—This is a Singularity, a point that is infinite.”
Fine art print size 17” x 22” — Price $145
Fine art print size: 22.5” x 29” — Price $160

Three Orbs
“The verses of the Veda exist in the collapse of fullness in the transcendental field. In which reside all the impulses of creative intelligence, the laws of nature responsible for the whole manifest universe.” Rig Veda 1st Mandal 164.39
Fine art print size: 18” X 24” — Price $145.00
Fine art print size: “24 x 30” — Price $160.00

Collapse of Many to a Point
In TM meditation, the mind settles to more silent levels of thinking —the layers of the Elements, the Ego, and Intellect, until one goes beyond the thinking process altogether. This inward journey can be perceived as the weaving together of these levels. Six becomes four; four becomes two. Dynamism and Silence remains. This is a singularity, a point that is infinite.
Fine art print size: 17″ x 23″ — Price: $145

Snail within snail
My poem goes with this art work.
Galaxies and Snail Shells
You may be larger than the largest, or smaller than the smallest.
But round, round and round you twist and flare.
Large or small you do it unaware.
Seashells can be found evenly round.
Yet, more unusual and seldom found, is the seashell called the winding stair.
It twists and turns which makes it quite rare.
Snail have spirals of hard shell within.
Now look to the sky and their cosmic twin.
The swirling galaxies are their kin, both twist and whirl around as they spin.
Mary May Peterson
Fine art print size: 12” X 9,5” Price $27

Into the light
“I delight in thy presence, tawny-colored Soma, both day and night. For the sake of hey friendship may we soar like birds beyond the sun blazing with thy light.”
—Rig Veda, 9th Mandal 7.4
Fine art print size: 25” x 21.5” — Price:$145
Fine art print size: 18” X 14.5” — Price $79
Fine art print size: 18” x 14.5” (crystal enhanced print) — Price $90

Effervescence of Being
The Unified Field Theory in Physics: “The Universal Ocean is fundamentally dynamic. So dynamic it’s actually in a state of continuous eruption, boiling—it’s called the boiling of the Unified Field. We’re really talking about it fluctuating within itself, because at that level there is nothing other than that. Boiling…sometimes called space time foam.” —Dr. John Hagelin, PhD, physicist
Fine art print size: 14” x 20” — Price $90